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Effective Communication
in New Media

Welcome to the Home Page for the EC106 Resource Site.

This site has been developed as a resource for you, to supplement your student experience. Be sure to become familiar with the syllabus for the course. We will refer to this document often during our 10 weeks together as the syllabus will be our guide. As we work our way through the syllabus, the Classes section will be updated for each student to access for clarification of progress for each class.

You may want to download the Dreamweaver support materials as soon as possible. These files are found on the downloads page. Dreamweaver is only available for a 30-day download, so be cautious to ensure you will have access to the the program as needed.

Your instructor of this winter session is Kelvin Landolt (me). Feel free to browse the info that has been posted regarding my background and experience, found under the profile section. Contact info is all detailed on the contact page.
