Downloading is simple.
- Click on the link desired.
- This action will open a page with the image or text
- For an image:
- Right click on the image.
- Selected COPY from the drop down list.
- In Windows Explorer (Windows Key and "E")
selected the folder on you computer where you would like to store
the image.
- Access that folder for the image when you are
- For text files:
- Select the text (put your mouse at the beginning
or end of the text and highlight the entire body of text.
- Right Click on the selected text.
- Select COPY from the drop down list.
- Go to an open page in DW4, insert your cursor into
the body of the page, right click and select PASTE from the dropdown
Week 1 - Dreamweaver
4.pdf or Dreamwearver
4 zipped PDF file
Week 2 - Class_2_Editing_Text.txt
Week 3 - lightbulb.txt
, backup.gif
, man.gif
, retroback.gif
Also this week: Site Design
Week 4 - Prado2000 site - from
disk or locally at school
Week 6 - prado_page_layout.jpeg
Week 8 Links/Reference: Cascading Style Sheets -