Partnered with

Open Water Swim Tours |
- Arrival
at Camp
- Check In/Arrival: Friday 4 to 9pm
- Reception Snacks: 4 to 5pm
- 6:30 pm - Dinner
- Activity: Signing waivers, cabin assignments, scoping out the
Activity: Divide into swimming groups, based on speed. May require
getting wet. Feature coach may wish to see swimmers in the water.
- 7am pre-swim snack
- 8 am to 9:15 am - Swim
- 9:30 am - Breakfast
- 10:30 am Workshop 1: 'Core Flexibility & Strength - Swimmers'
Facilitator: Dr. Christopher Gordon, BSc, D.C. drgordon.ca
This session will specialize on the importance of the body core
for swimming and your awareness of your body core, through insight
with body core flexibility and strength.
- 12:30 noon to 1:30 pm - Swim
- 1:45 pm - Lunch
- 2:30 pm Workshop # 2:'Stroke Shaping - Dry land Isometrics'
Facilitator: Coach Kelvin Landolt, will take you though a series
of stroke shaping isometric exercises designed to bring awareness
of the 'shape' in your stroke.
- 5 pm to 6 pm - Swim
- 6:15 - Dinner
- 9 pm to 9:30 pm - Optional Dusk Swim
- 9:45 pm Activity: Camp fire Conversation - Campfire Snack
- 7 am pre-swim snack
- 8 am to 9:15 am - Swim
- 9:30 am - Breakfast
- 10:30 am Workshop # 3: Conquest of a Lake'
Experience Kim's solo swim of Lake Ontario in this rewarding workshop
though relaxation and visualization techniques.
- 11:30 noon to 2:30 pm - Distance Swim
- 2:45 pm - Lunch
- Workshop 4: Feature Coach Kim Lumsdon - Video Presentation
- Depart by 6 pm