Oannes Swims
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Coach Kelvin - Stroke Technician

More Info - Swim Canada Article

Kelvin Landolt
Photo by:
Donna Radik

Kelvin Landolt comes from a competitive swimming background; more than ten years in age group competitive swimming with one good try at swimming nationally for Canada (Division 2). He came back to swimming in 1992 as a competitive master swimmer. Since 1995, his focus has been more on open water and distance swimming (5–10 km distance) in competition, for fitness and recreation.

Coach K is founder, director and head coach of Oannes Swims, Toronto, which specializes in 1on1 Aquaphobia and swim instruction through the Total Immersion techniques. Oannes Swims Squad trains 3 time weekend in the downtown Toronto area. 1on1 sessions can be booked any time weekly.

To spice things up with swimming, Kelvin continues to develop spectacular swim training camps and adventures through Spectacular Swims – swimming the world, one pool/lake at a time – with swim vacations in Gravenhurst, Ontario / Shuswap Lakes, B.C. / Costa Rica / Venezuela / Chile and more annually.

Coach K's experience over the past decade+ offers you a swim mentor with experience working with new and more seasoned adult/masters triathletes and competitive swimmers in pool and in open water.

Certification & Experience:

  • Swim Coach - Level One Certified - Oct 2001
  • Triathlon Coach - Level One Certified - Aug 2022
  • NLS Certified / First Aid Certifications
  • Swim Coach - with Oannes Swims - Weekly
  • Swim Coach - Team Atomica - Jan 2021 to presen
  • Total Immersion Weekend - Swim training
  • Masters Swimming Canada Camp - Margarita Island - Director/Coach 2009, 10, 11 & 12
  • Open Water Swim Training Camp - Director/Coach 2002, 03, & 10
  • Head Coach of the Downtown Swim Club - Oct 2000-10
  • Head Coach, Jarvis Collegiate Swim Club - Fall 2000
  • Assistant Coach, Vic-O Age Group Swim Club - 1980-82
  • Aquaphobia

Competitive Background:

  • Ontario OW Championship 10km - 2012
  • Ontario Open Water Championship 5km Participant - 2009 & 10
  • Zoot Open Water Swim - 4KM - 2010, 11, 12 & 13
  • Gold Medallist 5km Distance Swimming - 1999, 2001, 02, 03, 04 & 05
  • 10km Distance Swimming - 2002
  • Gold Medallist Canadian Master Swimming - 1999
  • Gold Medallist US Masters Swimming - 1999
  • National Competing Swimmer - 1982
  • Award winning & Age Group Record Holder - British Columbia
Order Equipment Online - Team Aquatics
Oannes Swims | Spectacular Swims | info@oannesswims.com| Toronto, Ontario, Canada | 647 637 8589